Nogat Coal: No Coal In Papua New Guinea


The ‘Nogat Coal: No coal in PNG’ campaign is a collaboration between CELCOR, Nogat Coal and, Jubilee Australia Research Centre. The campaign’s goal is to stop the development of the coal industry in Papua New Guinea led by an Australian listed company.

Papua New Guinea does not need to open for a dying industry to improve its energy access. Instead, we believe that the answer lies in a just and equitable energy pathway for PNG using renewable energy. 

Nogat Coal

Nogat Coal is an advocacy group with access to all levels of Papua New Guinean society including NGOs, the business community, think tanks, academia and key public figures.

Nogat Coal has a strong online presence in PNG with 14,000 followers on Facebook.


The Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR) Inc, is a not for profit, Papua New Guinean public interest environmental law firm.

The fundamental purpose of CELCOR is to provide legal advice, legal education and assistance to landowners, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and NGO’s involved in community-based natural resources management, environmental policy research and development and advocate for human rights and environmental justice.

Jubilee Australia

Jubilee Australia Research Centre is an Australian not-for-profit organisation engaging in research and advocacy to promote economic justice for communities in the Asia-Pacific region and accountability for Australian corporations and government agencies operating there.

Through research and advocacy Jubilee Australia focuses on sustainable economies, community consent, justice and the important question of what reform is needed to ensure that Australian government and corporate practices support community wellbeing and a just and sustainable global economy.

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