Mayur Resources' AGM: Protest and online solidarity action

Show your solidarity with the Nogat Coal Campaign – join the online action today!

On 16 December, The Pacific Climate Warriors in conjunction with the Nogat Coal Campaign, organised a protest at the AGM of  Mayur Resources in Brisbane. We hope that our partners and allies in PNG, Australia and beyond, can help us amplify the action by posting solidarity photos in support of the campaign on their social platforms. 

Photo instructions: 

1) Make a sign that says ‘I support the #NOGATCOAL campaign’ or print our premade sign (available here)

2) Take a photo of yourself holding the sign – ask any nearby friends or family members to join (examples available here)

3) Post the photo to your social media using the #NOGATCOAL and #NOGATCOALPNG hashtags today (find suggested post here)

4) Remember to tag @nogatcoalpng on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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